Large Language Models (LLMs)

July 10, 2024
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This Economist post is just silly.

Cars were invented in the late 1800s but it took 30+ years for them to become mainstream (Ford Model T, anyone?)

Electricity was first harnessed around the same time but it took 50+ years to become omnipresent.

The Wright brothers made their first successful powered flight in 1903. Commercial flying did not become mainstream before the 1960s.

Expecting #AI to become widely adopted in 1.5 years and already see its transformative, revolutionary power will also take time albeit much less than the above examples.

Think of social networking: it took around two decades between MySpace and Facebook to have a massive impact on elections, mental health, and global culture.

The power of Large Language Models (LLMs) is here, and it will shape our lives in more ways than we can imagine.

Are you ready?

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