Public affairs

Politics and the English language

June 27, 2024

What "pacifists" say vs. What they actually mean.

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European voters and Gaza - Reply to Shada Islam's piece in EUobserver

June 21, 2024

Shada Islam’s opinion piece “While EU leaders look away from Gaza's agony, European voters do care”, published on EU Observer on 4 June 2024, is a striking example of how a self-proclaimed “progressive” can abuse noble ideals, such as promoting the rule of law and defending human rights, in the pursuit of sectarian identity politics.

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Evidence-Based Policy Making

May 12, 2024

“Evidence-based policy making” only works if the evidence is reliable.

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GPT Prompts

Webinar training for EU public affairs pros coming soon.

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Optimizing ChatGPT and Gemini in EU Public Affairs

Interested in better prompting? You're in luck.

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How Much Do EU Officials Earn?

January 16, 2024

Did you know that you can use our website to calculate your potential earnings in an EU position?

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EU Lobbying Course

Strategic & political communication (and EU lobbying) course at ECS (European Communication School).

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The 26th Edition of the Ultimate EU Test Book

May 1, 2023

We've come a long way since 2005...

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The World Is?

March 24, 2023

The world is awful, the world is better, the world can be great.

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Trends in European Public Affairs

September 28, 2022

What trends are shaping European public affairs?

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